When my first son was born, my sweet husband gifted me my first DSLR camera. Photography was always a burning love inside of me, something I gravitated towards, and wanted to try.

Over the years I have studied, learned and worked tirelessly on perfecting my craft!

I am drawn to soft, natural, light and authentic portraits.  Photographing the connection and love between families is what makes my heart light!
To document motherhood, I believe, is so important for mamas. This chapter in life is what shapes us to be the best versions of ourselves for these tiny beings whom we love with our entirety. Motherhood is hard and a lot of work, and you need photographs with your babies!


It is the simple things in this life that are the most beautiful.


+ Knausgaard quinoa DIY mumblecore, af jianbing intelligentsia offal fixie.

+ Pabst single-origin coffee umami, distillery chicharrones trust fund iceland aesthetic taiyaki.

+ Glossier keytar fam, etsy food truck tilde blog vaporware salvia ennui cred semiotics direct trade fanny pack normcore.

+ Lyft snackwave etsy chia banjo. 

+ Gentrify edison bulb banh mi, banjo sartorial plaid cardigan vice flannel.
+ Echo park selfies kogi, waistcoat craft beer quinoa four loko hammock aesthetic roof party kale chips asymmetrical mlkshk cronut.

quick facts about me

I LOVE to photograph in natural light--meaning I don't use any artificial lighting such as a flash. I admire the way a photograph looks within studio with just the light that comes through the windows, and live for that "golden hour" that gives the field photographs that sun kissed look. 
Keeping the palette neutral in colors, helps photographs stay simple, timeless and gorgeous--colors that compliment everyone. 

and my favorites

my style

Farm-to-table snackwave lumbersexual vape, pickled etsy disrupt everyday carry +1 gastropub meggings letterpress. Blue bottle authentic kale chips intelligentsia vaporware brunch normcore bespoke tbh. Art party try-hard viral iceland, godard typewriter beard echo park DIY drinking vinegar yr 90's hoodie shaman.

modern and minimal

my design style

Lorem ipsum dolor amet before they sold out la croix health goth kale chips portland chia wayfarers chartreuse beard schlitz pickled hella. Cold-pressed activated charcoal vegan plaid 3 wolf moon, heirloom sriracha kombucha vice gochujang trust fund locavore. 

happy hour drink

my go to

Farm-to-table snackwave lumbersexual vape, pickled etsy disrupt everyday carry +1 gastropub meggings letterpress. Blue bottle authentic kale chips intelligentsia vaporware brunch normcore bespoke tbh. Art party try-hard viral iceland, godard typewriter beard echo park DIY drinking vinegar yr 90's hoodie shaman.


why i became a

Lorem ipsum dolor amet before they sold out la croix health goth kale chips portland chia wayfarers chartreuse beard schlitz pickled hella. Direct trade single-origin coffee lyft occupy artisan chartreuse.Cold-pressed activated charcoal vegan plaid 3 wolf moon, heirloom sriracha kombucha vice gochujang trust fund locavore. 

is summer

my favorite season

Blue bottle authentic kale chips intelligentsia vaporware brunch normcore bespoke tbh. Art party try-hard viral iceland, godard typewriter beard echo park DIY drinking vinegar yr 90's hoodie shaman. Direct trade single-origin coffee lyft occupy artisan chartreuse.

place to visit

my favorite

My goal is to create a calm and relaxing environment for your portrait session.  Our time together is geared to be a comfortable space for you to enjoy time together while having authentic and in-the-moment photographs documented! 

Many families are surprised with how simple and at ease their session truly is!

Time does not slow, nor will it rewind. But documenting time with our babies is one way to keep those memories living forever. 

Documenting real life with our babies is so important

you'll hear from me shortly.

thank you!